WWJD? Who cares??

Oh sure it was cute at first.  The acronym of What Would Jesus Do emblazoned on wristbands and t-shirts on the shelves of every Christian bookstore.  W.W.J.D.  What a concept. As I go through my daily routine I was encouraged to ask the question.  What would Jesus do? 

Morning – 8:00am
The cashier at the coffee shop gives me a $10 dollar bill instead of a $1 bill for my change.  I realize the oversight immediately, but she doesn’t.   I’m tempted.

Morning – 9:27
Driving up the busy street.  Lady in car on cell phone realizes the light is green…she takes off on yellow leaving me stuck at the light again. I’m ticked!

Lunch – 12:00 noon
Eating lunch with friend…asks me if I heard the latest gossip about so and so…  I’m all ears.

Okay…enough of it already..we all remember the drill.

I understand the good intentions behind the concept of WWJD.  It would be great if all of us did the things that Jesus did in the ethical and moral dilemmas.  But you know what?  Who cares?  What is the point of asking what Jesus would do? What’s the point of even answering the question.  What’s the point of even trying to do what He would do if we can even come up with the answer in the first place.

The whole point of Salvation is that we become the type of people who just naturally do the things that Jesus did, not go through life trying to figure it out.  Dallas Willard said this about the WWJD movement: "The problem with the What Would Jesus Do (WWJD) movement is that in most cases Jesus would not have to ask the question. He would know. This is what we are expected to grow into."

Wouldn’t it be foolish to think that Jesus would wear a bracelet that stated WWID (what would i do?)

For obvious reasons he didn’t need to ask that question.  He just did what came naturally to him.  He did the will of the Father. 

Maybe we should consider WJHAD (what Jesus has already done).  Maybe we would be better off looking at the Christ who came to this earth as a man to serve and not to be served.  The man who spent as much time in solitude and silence as he did in front of large crowds.  The man who fasted and withstood the best Satan could muster for 40 days.  The man who was approachable and enjoyable.  The man who risked his reputation to hang out with the lowest of low.  The man who ushered in the availability of the Kingdom, opening its doors to the poor, meek, and rejected.  The man who took in a group of men, made them his apprentices, and equipped and empowered them to change the world.  The man whose gospel was a subversive, slow growing, kingdom/network that doesn’t storm in violently or coerce, but magnetically attracts those who would be entranced by it’s beauty.  The man who believed so much in this gospel, that he would be humiliated, beaten, mocked, and killed.

Those are the things that Jesus did. And he did them so I wouldn’t have to ask what he would do, but that I would  as Dr. Willard eloquently stated "be transformed into the type of people that would do the things he would do if he were I."

Wristbands, hats, and t-shirts share one common bond.  They are external.  While WWJD may produce good behavior from time to time, it lacks the power to change the heart.  The heart change comes from an ongoing communion with Christ through His spirit.  The natural result of that?  IDWJWD.

First thoughts


you know the old bit about psychiatrists using word association with their patients?  since i don’t have anything of substance to blog at 11:39pm on a friday nite, then I’ll just begin typing what comes to my mind in short sentences until about midnite…then’s it off to bed.  oh and by the way, my grammer doesn’t suck, i’m intentionally doing this in e.e. cummings style because i’m too lazy to hold the shift key down.  okay….here we go

diet dr. pepper is amazing because its a very tolerable diet drink that i started drinking 3 years or so ago and along with coffee are my addictions of choice

is addiction a choice? yes and no…you have a choice not to partake in the addiction but your mind and body are trained to partake without your conscious consent often times.

why does being a baptist mean i need consent from other baptists to be me?

baptists have a bad rep and deservedly so….but for pretty much the same reasons as protestants, catholics, methodists, anglicans, and other christ bearing groups, that being exclusivity and intolerance with each other.

why do fundamentalists ignore my e.e. cummings imitation and get so hot and bothered that i didn’t capitalize christ?

why do evangelicals capitalize on an incomplete gospel while serving up hot religious goods to the masses?

why is mass such a bad word to baptists?  because it’s catholic?  what other taboos in other religions  are we supposed to avoid because it’s not in our tradition?

why do i always end up on a team with limited vocabulary when i play taboo?

why is the vocabulary of a modern day evangelist limited to heaven, hell, cross, and forgiveness.

why not other terms like abundance, kingdom, disciplines, apprenticeship, rabbi?

why is christ good enough to save my sorry butt from hell but not enough for me to hand a twenty to a panhandler with yellow teeth and a lame story about his car breaking down?

why did i worry about offending someone by changing "arse" to "butt" in the previous sentence? 

is it because christianity has an element of self awareness and inauthenticity?

if i hate inauthenticity so much, why do i have such a hard time with it myself.

i just figured the answer out.

why do i waste time trying to figure out stuff?

why do i have so much stuff?

why don’t i have better stuff?

why ask why?

does jeeves google?

what does google NOT own?

oops broke my cummings streak.

if you don’t who the heck e.e. cummings is….it’s called wikipedia

heh heh…still hate offending people so i just left heck there.

oh what the hell…the end