Not much

I don’t really have much to blog today, but I feel the urge to do so.  I guess that I’m addicted to blogging for sure.  Well, here’s how my day went. As usual, I started my day off at Starbux for my daily reading.  I’m tellin’ ya, I really feel in the dumps spiritually if I neglect this time more than a day or two.  I never read like I have the past year and a half.  Since January of  2005, I’ve read 10 books.  The most life changing book so far has been "The Divine Conspiracy" by Dallas Willard.  It’s not an easy read since he is a Philosophy professor at USC, but it has totally altered my view of spirituality, the Kingdom, discipleship forever!
Anyway, enough book talk.  Of course, I went to the office and worked the better part of the day on Sunday’s service.  Found some cool videos for the holiday.  Later went to Subway for lunch with Gage.  Our new lunchtime tradition is playing rummy.  He won on the last hand.  I blame my wife for getting me hooked on this game.  After the work day, met Tina for dinner at our Wednesday night place called Barry’s Pub.  I beat both her and Gage in cards.  Quite soundly if I do say so myself.
I came back to the church bldg for band rehearsal, stayed around and talked to friends, and that’s pretty much it. 
Wow!  Pretty boring day, but hey, it’s mine.



I’ve been asking God to help me deal with some things the past few days.  I asked him to change my attitude.  I was hoping it would be one of those moments when you roll out of bed and your hair falls in place and you just bypass the mirror for the perfect beginning to a stressfree day!  No. Instead, God pulled me aside today and poured some nasty medicine into a spoon and proceeded to put it in my mouth.  Then he looked at me a little closer, and just poured the whole bottle down my throat.   
It tasted awful, however it could have been worse.  It came totally by surprise, and that’s where God can be pretty merciful.  If you don’t see the medicine coming and you take it real fast, it actually doesn’t take long for it to start working.  If I had known the medicine was coming, I would have built up a mountain of resistance. I probably would have thrown it to the ground. I would have devised ways not to take the medicine. I would have tried to figure out how to make someone else take it. 
But alas, I look up and GULP there it is, in all it’s bitter glory.  Yeah, it managed to skip across every taste bud on the way down, and there was that familiar aftertaste that no amount of water could cleanse. 
Hours later, the medicine has fully kicked in, and the ailment has vanished, although I probably will experience the sickness again.  I expect, however, that my immune system has been strengthened, and I will do my best to avoid activities that might expose me to this virus called pride.  The medicine?  It’s been around for centuries.  No prescription necessary, just good old fashioned humility.