first thoughts iii

this is part 3 of the first thoughts series where i start with an object in my immediate surroundings and then write a short sentence about it. from there i take another word from the sentence and begin another sentence. sort of a word association writing game.  okay here goes

i have a denim coat

did the redcoats actually have coats?

does the word actually get way too overused in modern day language

is modernism an era of the past or isn't it always here

if its wrong for churches to live in the past, what do we make of the christ of 1 AD

when they say we need to be the church not go to church that's not completely accurate

would it be accurate to say that the difference between the invisible church and the institutional church has been neglected

as a kid i wanted the power of invisibility

holy spirit as a person or as a power?

if he's a person as i believe he is why don't we call him the holy sperson

every denomination that exists was born from the idea that belief is important

why are my ideas original until i revisit them the next day and then i realize they're retreads

whenever i look at the michelin man i wonder if those rolls on his body are treads or some kind of weird body fat

do fat hip hoppers go around saying "that's fat" or "that's phat"? and if they say "phat" are they phat?

is the difference between a hip hopper and a hip hugger simply a belt?

when professional singers belt out the national anthem on tv, then you realize at once how much production is involved in their records.

is it reCORD or REcord?

if you pull the umbilical cord on a newborn, will a parachute fly out?

if humans sky dive, what do birds do for thrills? 

it would thrill me immensely to end this post right NOW!

First thoughts II


Ok, I did this once before in a previous post.  It’s the old psychiatrist bit about saying the first thing that comes to mind when you hear a word.  I’m going to look around my office and spot one item, and then write a sentence about it.  Then I will take a word from that sentence and write something about it and so on…
This should be interesting.

Air vents can get so dirty sometimes.
Why do I feel the need to vent when I get ticked off??
Have you ever seen one of them big fat blood filled ticks stuck in the backside of a dog?
Was it Jesus’ literal blood that saves us?
How much of the Bible should be taken literally, and how much figuratively?
The Bible is the Word of God on paper.
Christ is the living breathing Word of God.
Do possums know to hold their breath when they play dead?
Dead ends….the end of the road or unhealthy follicles?
The end of the world…is it even remotely like we think?
Where’s the remote?
Is "The" pronounced "thuh" or "theee"?
Why do I forget to use pronouns when I write?
Forgetfulness is a handy thing when your wife asks you to do something.
Wife…ball and chain or friend?
How do chain smokers light up the steel links?
Why can’t they build a tiny flashlight into the cell phone?
Is a county jail cell considered cellulite?
How do you consider people’s feelings when they’re so inconsiderate of yours?
Feelings….nothing more than feelings….
I’ve got nothing…nothing… nothing!!!
Why do so many focus on what they don’t got instead of what they got?
When people come to church, why do they lose focus?
If church was a building, it would be so much easier to love it.
How easy is that easy button anyway? 
Bring back the button fly jeans!!
Jean Stapleton had Edith Bunker down.
If you were in the bunker who would you want with you?

That’s it…..